Just give us a call ...

A Hänel service technician will be right there!

Hänel has a comprehensive service network at its disposal

Currently there are more than 65 Hänel service centers in Germany, with service technicians standing by for rapid deployment to customer sites. The service technicians are in constant contact with the field service control center in Bad Friedrichshall, the headquarters of the Hänel Group, and are networked and coordinated centrally.

Phone 0 71 36/2 77 25
Mail: service@haenel.de

The control centre is informed about the location of the technicians at all times. This makes it possible to direct a service technician who is in your vicinity directly to the respective location. This saves time and costs. This means that Hänel service technicians can always be deployed quickly and directly.

That's Hänel quality: A genuine 24-hour service on over 300 days a year

Throughout Germany, Hänel service technicians are at your disposal usually within 24 hours, on more than 300 days a year.

You also have the option of reducing the response time for service calls to just 4 hours.

Through customer proximity, speed and flexibility, we achieve rapid resolution of many problems. Most customers already rely on the competent Hänel service team.

You too can rely on the Hänel Service Team!